01 Jan 1970

The most common request we get as a Digital marketing partner that focuses on helping businesses develop is to assist them with lead generation.

Unfortunately, many company owners still feel that all they need to do is create a website and consumers will flock in. However, in today's internet world, things are a lot more difficult.

Businesses have found it much more difficult to obtain the outcomes they desire due to ever-changing technology, more competition, and savvy buyers.

Why? Because generating leads isn't the only goal. It's also important to turn those leads into sales.

We frequently observe firms focusing all of their efforts on generating more and more leads while neglecting the sales process.

As an example...

We had a new client who stated that all they needed was help generating leads because their closing percentage was at 80%.

While we questioned their optimistic estimates, we were certain that by generating a continuous supply of leads and combining it with a respectable closing ratio (maybe half of what they claimed), we could score a home run for their company.

However, as we quickly discovered, their lead-to-sale ratio was significantly lower than any of us had anticipated. We went back to the drawing board to assist them enhance their procedures because the figure was closer to 12%.

While our customer was true in that they had a lead generation problem, we discovered that they also had a sales process problem.

This was a problem that needed to be addressed as well.

Obtaining a lead is one thing, but converting a lead into a sale is quite another. And, as our customer quickly discovered, having a lead-generating website without a well-defined sales process may result in missed opportunities and money flying out the door.

If this is you, here are five suggestions to help you turn more leads into sales:

1. Draw Their Attention to You

2. Monitor Your Outcomes

3. Keep in touch

4. Concentrate on resolving issues

5. Know Who Your Competitors Are

Let's look at what we can do with these now.

1. Draw Their Attention to You

Many companies concentrate all of their efforts on attracting visitors to their website. However, visitor statistics might give the impression that everything is going swimmingly.

While it is true that you must attract visitors to your website in order to convert them into leads, if you do not captivate their attention in the first six seconds and they leave, you have lost the potential to generate a lead.

Customers want to know that you understand their issue or difficulty and that you can aid them with a solution. Have you ever gone to a website in search of something, only to discover that the website didn't have what you were searching for, prompting you to leave? If your message does not resonate with your visitors, they will go

So, how can you pique their interest? Make a valuable contribution.

Customers are on the lookout for answers. Offer them an eBook, a White Paper, a checklist, or an infographic...something useful and beneficial to them. You can ask for their name and email in exchange for them being able to download your offer for free. The most crucial thing to remember is that you're attempting to assist. They will not download your offer if you ask for too much.

2. Monitor Your Outcomes

Entrepreneurs are optimistic people by nature, and they occasionally require a dose of reality. It's easy to run on instincts if you don't have a system in place to track company performance. It's simple to function in "Fantasy Land" if you're never aware of the "TRUE" consequences.

This might be terrible for your company!
"Yeah Right!!" we exclaimed when we learned that our customer had closed at an 80% rate. We knew that if we delved through the real data, we'd discover a lower closing ratio since we'd dealt with this sort of optimism before. But we had no idea that the difference between our client's perspective and reality would be 68 percent.

3. Keep in touch

We all know that the sooner we contact a lead, the greater our chances of turning that lead into a sale are. Many businesses lack a well-coordinated approach for handling leads generated by the internet.

According to surveys, you may need to reach out an average of nine times in today's industry to receive a response. In fact, following up on leads is a 15-step procedure for us.

Here are some of the study's startling findings.

  • B2B enterprises took 42 hours on average to respond to their leads.
  • Only 37 percent of businesses responded to leads within an hour, while 16 percent responded between one to 24 hours.

  • More than 24 hours were required by 24% of businesses.

  • 23% of the businesses did not react at all.

4. Concentrate on resolving issues

Customers are more informed than ever before, and they are wary of the "HARD SELL."

Make sure your sales team stays away from the hard sell and instead concentrates on fixing problems.

Don't start talking about your product right away. The consumer has previously demonstrated interest in a product or service, especially via internet leads. Opening your call with a brief introduction, explaining that you are following up on their request for contact, and asking "How Can I Help?" is a more productive strategy.

Then, most essential, be silent and pay attention.

Many of your qualifying questions will be answered, and the customer will explain their problems in detail. You'll be in a better position to suggest the APPROPRIATE answer for their problem, rather than the one you're trying to sell them.

Take that technique, and you'll see an increase in conversions.

5. Know Who Your Competitors Are

Our client's competitiveness was the most significant factor impacting his closing ratio. He worked in a highly competitive and price-sensitive business.

Cost is, of course, a big issue in the sales process, but it isn't the only one. For our customer, whose products were somewhat more expensive, we discovered that overcoming pricing concerns was one of the most obvious reasons they were losing business.

We gave a complete grasp of our client's competitors through a competitor study done at the start of our engagement, which was one of the key advantages we delivered.

Most customers will not make a purchase unless they have done at least a cursory comparison of providers. We were able to compare their items to comparable products and discovered some substantial quality discrepancies that suited our customer since we understood price sensitivity as an issue.

With this knowledge in hand, the sales team was able to overcome this objection. As a result, conversion rates increased.

RealEstate Verified Leads assists channel partners in obtaining good business by providing audio verified leads, allowing them to listen to dialogue between the customer and the verification team in order to get the best outcomes.

Additional Suggestions

Qualify Your Leads First - Before you spend too much time with someone who isn't your ideal customer, make sure you qualify your leads first.

Keep Leads Warm - If you follow up on your leads on a regular basis, they will not go cold.

Monitor Your Sales Pipeline - Keeping track of your pipeline on a regular basis keeps your prospects fresh in your mind and moving closer to a close.

By Shrreya Mangela [ Nihira Infotech Content Writing ]

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